
Bratislava, Slovakia - SAS Course (2016)
52nd Year - Slovak Language and Culture
August 2016
Comenius University
Site of Opening Ceremony and Graduation
Banner above my classroom window
"Teachers Want a Better Future for Your Children"
Typical student cafeteria lunch. Entree is stuffed eggplant.
Potatoes, salad, soup and bread too

Students bring a "snack" representing their culture
These are consumed at "get togethers"
We brought a large container of Virginia peanuts (not pictured here)

Out of Class Activities include
traditional music with singing and dancing

Lots of audience participation

We were moving faster than could be captured by Joe's camera
Join the circle and hang on. I'm in the red and white
Even the Director of the Program joined in
Just join in and follow what the others are doing
Holding tightly to the hand of a young Italian guy
This plaque is on a building of the dormitory.
It notes when and where the Rusyn Language was established as an official language of Slovakia
This is significant to me because until 2008 I though my grandmother spoke Slovak and RUSSIAN,
No! Rusyn is quite different


153 foreign students from 32 countries received graduation certificates

The plaque outside the building remembers student resistence
against Soviet occupation in 1968. Three students were killed

According to the news report, graduation included 2 "sedemdesiatnici" (70 year olds) from the USA. That's Joe and me
I'm at the far right (in red)
Joe is easily visible among his young classmates