
Stara Lubovna (2013)
Town, Museum, Area
August 2013
In Stara Lubovna you can experience history as it was lived by 3 classes of people:
the nobility in the castle, the rural class in the skanzen and the middle class in the town itself
St Nicholas Square is dominated by the church and a nearby shop sells vestments
The town's museum is located in a "Burger's House" on the square
We received a wonderful tour in English from our guide
I fit right in as part of the exhibits
The organ actually plays as I invited to demonstrate
They may not have lived in a castle, but they were definitely better off than the people in the villages
As we drove through the countryside, flocks of storks were in the fields
At the Polish border we attended an outdoor Mass at Litmanova on Zvir Mountain
Here between 1990 and 1995 the Blessed Virgin Mary was reported to have appeared to 2 young girls.
It is now a pilgrimage site for both Byzantine and Roman Catholics

Several non-English speaking tour groups were staying at our hotel. We were the only English speaking guests.
Another successful opportunity to use my SAS Slovak skills