
The Falkland Islands(2020)
Lagoon Bluff Penguins
South America
February 2020
On board ship we attended lectures about the various species and habitats of penguins
These are King Penguins with their chicks
The largest number in this location are Gentoo penguins
The strip of land along the water is called "the Penquin Highway"
At intervals they relocate from one area to another for reasons known only to the penguins
It is the end of the summer season in this part of the world but It was very windy this morning
One penquin begins a march
Then there were two
Three Penguins
Suddenly many are on the move - The March of the Penguins
Magellanic penguins also live here during the summer,
but they have already left for their new location
One Magellanic penguin didn't leave with the others
(the all grey one with the black beak)
Now he is stuck here since he is molting
If he wasn't molting, he would look like this
More Gentoo penguins posing for me

We took a break from penguin watching

Along with traditional (very British) food,
there was a display of artifacts of the 1982 war with Argentina
One last look at the terrain
Look at all our penguin pictures!
Very unusual markings on these cows
Geese are everywhere
This variety of cow is called "Belted Galloways"