
Bucharest, Romania(2019)
Index - Europe
December 2019
The National Cathedral is under construction
The city's most famous landmark is the Parliament building

The 2nd largest building in the world (after the Pentagon)
Built by the dictator Ceausescu as "The People's Palace"

It was from here in 1989 that he and his wife
temporarily escaped the revolution
by helicopter after the fall of Communism.

They were soon apprehended
tried and executed

Although this is our 3rd visit to Bucharest, it is the first time we were allowed to take pictures inside the Parliament building
We toured the vast generally empty, high ceilinged rooms and corridors
All constructed of the most expensive materials
Officially this is the home of Romania's Parliament

Nikolai and Elena Ceausescu
each had their own marble staircase
facing each other
to make the most dramatic entrance

The steps were specially contructed
to the measurement of their feet


they did not live to see the building completed


The Building can also be rented for other events
A conference room is equipped with translation booths
This chandelier in the concert hall is so massive that no one will sit under it
There are occasional historical sculptures
Exhibits of traditional Romanian Dress
This is the balcony where Michael Jackson once yelled to the crowd "Hello Budapest"
Sometimes people confuse Bucharest with the capital of Hungary
The Christmas Market